A unicorn is a private company valued at $1 billion or more. Lists are usually international. Different sources are not identical, though they tend to agree on the company values. If your target company is on this list, your valuation work is done for you by the investors who have validated the company’s worth. Determining how much of the company your prospect owns is a more difficult matter….
- Fortune The Unicorn List: Brief info about each.
- CB Insights The Unicorn List: Brief info - with the ability to dive deeper for a fee. You can get partial access to the deeper dive with a free 30 day trial. Includes a list of 50 future unicorns.
- Crunchbase Unicorn Leaderboard: Info is investor forward. Links to the regular crunchbase profiles. Check out the “exited unicorns” and “emerging unicorns”.
- The Narwhal Club: Canada’s unicorns.